Daily Wire Tip Feb. 20: Displaying Necklaces at Shows

By on February 20, 2010
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Daily Wire Jewelry Making Tip
February 20, 2010


Is there an inexpensive way to display necklaces at shows?


There are many, inexpensive ways to attractively display your jewelry at shows! As you specifically asked about necklaces, this is the one I will address here. I have seen coffee cans covered with velvet, with wire looped through the plastic top to attach a necklace to and the piece drapes down the can; picture frames with the glass removed and the back colored black, again with wire loops inserted through the top of the backing to attach pieces to; black DVD cases lined with felt (wire loops again through the back at the top) which work well for pendants hung on fishing line and not only are an automatic set-up but an easy pack-up and storage solution, etc. Browse around in second hand shops and you will be amazed at what treasures you can find! Used formal wear can be cut up and super glue can be a great friend. One of our faculty members uses odd glassware, shoes and stuffed gloves to display her pieces. (I can hardly wait to see what ideas you all send in to help with this one!)

Answer contributed by Dale “Cougar” Armstrong

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  1. avatar


    February 20, 2010 at 9:33 am

    I have used the picture frames, but cut black nylon screen to fit the frame, you can then slip your earring wires into the holes and display earrings. Or you can use the U shaped pins to hold your neclaces and bracelets.
    I also use an interior louvered shutter, it is hinged and I can hang handmade earring cards over the slats. Just fold it up, slip it in a trash bag and you don’t have to unload it from the show.
    Another thing I use is a large mirror to display my chain maille, it looks fabulous. And all of these items I bought at Good Will, or had them on hand at my house.

  2. avatar

    Docia Lenz

    February 20, 2010 at 9:39 am

    a pretty piece of druse quartz makes an excellent display stand – either one that lies flat to hold the pieces of a tall shaped piece to hang the necklace on.

  3. avatar

    Joan Davis

    February 20, 2010 at 9:44 am

    I use black, dark red, dark blue and gold material about a yard to a yard and half and lay on the table in a kinda wrinkled way. I make boxes for each piece–triangle origami. All you need do is take the lid and put it on the bottom. Drape your piece over the edge, $tag is inside. The placement of the box is then put with the color of fabric which shows off the piece the best. Box is included with each piece and also makes transporting easy and each piece is kept from getting crunched. I found in the Dollar Store coated wire step up (3 step)—original use for the cupboard to arrange your canned goods and spices. Place them on the table under the material. This gives dimension and interest to your display. I am always getting compliments on my display—simple and elegant. I also have stand-ups to show off some pieces—I keep them to 3 to 5 and there have been many times I have not even used them.

  4. avatar


    February 20, 2010 at 11:09 am

    I have used a fireplace screen in my display. It is a 4-fold screen and can be folded many different ways. This give me alot of room for displaying all different types of jewelry and also brings the eye up off the table and is noticeable from a distance. Using christmas tree hooks gives a removable option for each piece. Also I love using a hand display. It can be used for rings, bracelets, earrings and draping necklaces of all lengths. Hope this helps and good luck in your shows.

    • avatar


      September 13, 2012 at 6:58 am

      I am going out and finding one of these. Best idea.I was a display mgr. for a big department store and before that many speciality boutiques in LA. I can see this spray painted and highly visible. You always need to get some height at shows.

  5. avatar

    Micki Bleily

    February 20, 2010 at 12:45 pm

    Another way to use picture frames: I used small fancy frames for individual pendants. The ones I found were metal and very ornate and antiqued. The muted metal color works best so it doesn’t complete with the pendants. I bought them at thrift stores. You can usually get them very cheap. Mine were under a dollar.

  6. avatar

    Debbie Green

    February 20, 2010 at 1:31 pm

    I have gone to the dollar store and bought Martini glasses to hang earrings off of. You can put pretty crytals on the inside to add sparkle. Also at your local craft store I have bought different shaped mirror tiles and just lay bracelets on them. the reflections look beautiful. Very small pillows with a pin to hold the necklace on. It seems that the pieces displayed the most uniquely get the most attention, and will sell quickly. If something is not selling rotate it..display it differently, and see what happens.

  7. avatar


    February 20, 2010 at 2:28 pm

    What terrific display ideas from everyone. I would love to see pictures of these ideas sometime, if wire-sculpture.com would care to show them.

  8. avatar

    Mary Phillips

    February 20, 2010 at 5:12 pm

    I cut a shape much like the professional displays (neck & shoulders) out of heavy 9 x 11″ cardboard. Covered one with black wool and one with pink crinkled crepe paper. For a stand, I used plastic easel plate stands. I sized the bottom width so it just fits the bottom maximum width of the easels. All materials were things I had anyway so it didn’t cost a penny, just my time. As an alternate, a hat crown makes an excellent drape, especially if it’s a straw or natural woven material. Thrift shops are good places to find cool hats.

  9. avatar


    February 20, 2010 at 5:14 pm

    Flower pots are in a lot of my shows for necklaces. Just throw pretty cloth over them, lay the pieces on around the neck of the pot and around where the cloth rest itself wherever you lay it, shattered like.

  10. avatar


    February 20, 2010 at 6:09 pm

    Hi, Dale. I met you at the Gem show in that Lithics tent. You were finally getting to shop in the area behind TEP. I bought the “coprolite” beads…

    I have found things to use at displays at garage sales, etc. I found a black “tree” made of black tape over wire, that I use for earrings. It is on a wooden base, obviously homemade, but it is great! Everyone remarks favorably on it, even my husband. I also have metal ornament stands that work well for earrings.

    • avatar


      February 21, 2010 at 12:47 am

      Hi Becky! Thanks for your idea and for responding to our blog.
      I enjoyed meeting you and I did get some great cutting rough that day : )

  11. avatar


    February 20, 2010 at 8:40 pm

    I buy all the black wire CD racks I can find a thrift stores. Earring cards fit on them beautifully and I have made a large number of “S” hooks to hang necklaces or bracelets on them as well. You can leave them black or spray paint them in seasonal or other colors. I also use a lot of picture frames (from the thrift store) with velvet inserts and “U” pins to hold necklaces and bracelets. You can make the velvet inserts with mat board, quilt batting and scrap fabric (check the remnants section at your fabric store)for almost nothing. 1 mat board and a small package of the batting (crib quilt size) will make a BUNCH of these. I lay some flat and stand some up. People say it makes my jewelry like “framed art.” I slip them into zip lock bags for travel between shows. I always get rave reviews on my display.

  12. avatar


    February 21, 2010 at 1:06 am

    What a great idea Gail! Let’s take this one step further. If any of you would like to share a photo that goes along with the idea(s) you mentioned here, please send it to me; dalecgr@wire-sculpture.com Make it a good image, about 3 inches x 3 inches or so, and at 180dpi and I will incorporate them all into a new article on this blog. (Oh yes, let’s put a deadline on this. How about the end of this month, Feb 28, 2010, so I can include all that come in and you have some time to share if you would like.)
    Thanks so much!!

  13. avatar


    February 22, 2010 at 1:48 am

    I have an antique dress dummy. I usually dress the dummy up with an elegant black evening dress. Then I hang a necklace that I especially want to showcase on the dummy. I also pin next to the necklace the bracelt and earrings that go with the necklace. I will also pin on the dress 1 or 2 more necklaces that I want to call attention to. Note: I have an couple of antique hats that are eye catching. One of the hats adorns the top of the dummy. This display catches the eye of people and they tend to wander over to my booth. After having a good laugh about the dress dummy, most people end up buying one or more pieces of jewelry from me.

    • avatar


      February 23, 2010 at 9:16 pm

      Love the ‘dummy’ idea Rebecca – and would love to see a picture of it!

  14. avatar


    February 22, 2010 at 9:36 am

    I am totally amazed at the creativity you gals have come up with for displaying your jewelry items. That is so thinking “out of the box” and I am giving you all a salute for your resoursefulness.

    Goes to show we have a very imaginative bunch here on wire sculpture. Congrats and thanks for sharing!!

  15. avatar


    February 22, 2010 at 2:18 pm

    I was recently at a show where they used a tree or bushs branches to hang necklaces it was really neat !

  16. avatar

    Marcia Wisehoon

    February 24, 2010 at 8:22 pm


    I also purchased a metal “tree” about two feet tall. I weighted the bottom with clay, wrapped it tightly in place, and then, starting from the bottom of the tree, I wrapped the whole tree with all sorts of ribbons, embroidery threads, yarns, and wrapped a swarovski crystal to the end of each branch. It’s very busy, so I have to be careful what I hang on it at shows, but it always gets attention and compliments.

  17. avatar


    September 13, 2010 at 1:17 pm

    Cheryl, I love your ideas; where can you find the nylon screen? I’ve looked at craft stores, etc, can’t find it.

  18. avatar


    September 15, 2010 at 1:52 am

    Some good ideas here. I buy memory display cases at the craft store when they have 50% off sale. I pick up small latch set and small padlock at HD or Lowes. I sometimes add black velvet as a back liner or leave white. Then I hang my necklaces or bracelets in them with corsage pins. I have a case for each. For my earrings I also use a picture frame but I found copper screening used for making face sculpture in the craft store. I cut it and form it into the center of the frame after removing glass and backing. I use hot glue to hold it tight. Place earrings through the screening and then set it on a table easel. Sheer fabric could also be used for delicate earrings.

    • avatar


      September 19, 2010 at 1:09 pm

      Just a quick thank-you to everyone who has shared their display ideas here – thank-you, Thank-YOU !!!

  19. avatar

    Rose Bovan

    September 15, 2010 at 4:49 pm

    Hey Lynn, I have bought nylon screen from “believe it or not” a Beauty Supply Store, like Sally’s Beauty and Supply. I normally tie down my hair with it, but lately earrings are a super ornament. Lol

    Your Crafty Sistah
    Staying Bent
    Rose (Bovan)Barden
    Riverview, Fl

  20. avatar


    September 17, 2010 at 8:29 pm

    This is exactly what I need. I’m having a jewelry party in November and was wondering what in-expensive ways I can display my creations. You have all given me some exellent thrifty ideas to use. I especially love the dummy and the bush/tree to hang jewelry from. I will come back to tell you how well your ideas work out. Wish me luck in sales. Thanks all.

  21. avatar

    Dianne Loos

    September 23, 2010 at 1:58 am

    I purchase white wrought-iron type square birdcages at a craft store, in the Bridal Dept. Brides put them out on a gift table at weddings for the greeting cards (usually containing money). The top opens. I wire the top shut, put rows of the stiff side of Velcro all around (I get three rows on each side, and each row holds 3-4 cards), then attach small pieces of the soft side of the Velcro on the backs of my earring cards. Customers can remove them to try them out, and I can rearrange the earrings according to color, style, etc. to suit my fancy. I even stacked two of them for a taller unit after removing the rounded top from one of them, then wiring them together. I put each cage on a turntable for easy viewing. I decorate the tops according to the holiday – Christmas greens, Valentine ropes, etc. Everyone comments how unusual they are. They fit into 30 gallon tie-top garbage bags and travel and work really well for shows and shops. They are 1/2 price quite often costing under $10 each.

    • avatar


      September 23, 2010 at 10:02 am

      Dianne, what a lovely idea! It sounds beautiful as well as efficient. Thanks!

  22. avatar


    October 1, 2010 at 10:58 pm

    I am looking for unique ways to display my hairsticks. Right now I have a beautiful silver vase that stands about 5 inches tall. I filled it with white rice and just stand my hairsticks up in the rice.

    • avatar


      October 2, 2010 at 6:05 pm

      Denise, I like your display idea. Anyone??