Daily Wire Tip Jan. 3: Embossing Hammers and Wire Texture

By on January 3, 2011
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Daily Wire Jewelry Making Tip for
January 3, 2011


What is an embossing hammer? Are there hammers with textures for hammering wire?

-Susy in Bellingham, Washington


An embossing hammer is meant to shape metal from the inside out. They come in many different shapes and sizes, depending on the shaping desired and the size of the project. An embossing hammer stretches metal as it is used, as the metal being beaten curves up the side of the hammer, known as “raising.”

Often used by metalsmiths on sheet metals in jewelry making, embossing hammers are also used for repossé. Yes, they come with different textured heads. To find out more about embossing hammers, please do an Internet search using the phrase “embossing hammer use”, where you will find a lot of useful information on these hammers. Embossing hammers are most often used on sheet metals, not wire – but good idea.

Answer contributed by Dale “Cougar” Armstrong

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