Daily Wire Tip Feb. 10: Spray Protectants for a Glossy Finish

By on February 9, 2011
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Daily Wire Jewelry Making Tip for
February 10, 2011


In the Rock Tumbling 101 tip, regarding tumbling and polishing slabs etc., you indicated using a "spray protectant." What type of protectant is this? I have not really heard of this before.

-Teri in Golden, Colorado


Hi Teri, just about any acrylic spray will work, you can find these in department and hardware stores. I know some folks who have used a Krylon product with great results. Simply do an Internet search for "Krylon Protectant Spray." I’ve updated the tip to be include this information. I am sure that folks will pop in and comment with their experiences to help even more!

Answer contributed by Dale “Cougar” Armstrong

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One Comment

  1. avatar

    Steve Taylor

    February 10, 2011 at 1:19 pm

    I recommend the water-based acrylic sprays. The others are so toxic so make sure you are well ventilated. Sand with wet 0000 steel wool between coats. Be patient. Make each coat lighter. Also there is a was called Renaissance Wax. A can is expensive but goes a long way. Several of that with buffing will give a great fingerprint-free shine. I used it on pieces of petrified pine wood (160 mmillion years old) that I recovered in my backyard. I have made 2 pendants with these pieces. They are very hard…probably around a nine or so on the scale so shaping is an exercise in patient use of diamond grinders and long periods of tumbler polishing.