Daily Wire Tip August 10: Wire Wrapping Stones with No Holes

By on August 9, 2011
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Daily Wire Jewelry Making Tip for
August 10, 2011


I purchased several polished stones with no holes. I want to wire wrap them into pendants, do you have a DVD that would help me, as I am a beginner?

-Ava in Clearwater, Florida


Hi Ava, depending on whether your undrilled stones are flat, rounded or very irregular in shape, my best advice would be to first look at the sample photos of these four choices:

  1. For a flat stone, similar to a cabochon, you could use DVD 2 in the Beginner Series, that teaches how to formulate and create a frame to make a pendant;
  2. DVD 3 in the Beginner Series not only shows how to make a harness for a puffed heart, but I also talk about how to use this design for other irregular shaped items;
  3. Also in the Beginner Series, on DVD 6, you learn how to formulate and create a cage that will fit just about anything!
  4. Of course, you could sign up to take an on-line class with me and learn how to Lock That Rock! into a charm or pendant that could be used on a necklace, bracelet, cell phone charm or key chain!

Have fun with your rocks!!

Answer contributed by Dale "Cougar" Armstrong

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