Article Writing for Wire Jewelry Artists

By on November 11, 2009
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As a jewelry artist you probably wonder what writing an article has to do with wire jewelry making.  Well, in fact, there is a distinct and purposeful relationship between creating and selling your jewelry.

This article will discuss how to use article-writing as a no cost and effective way to connect with new customers, leveraging the tools on the Internet to power this new sales channel.  First, let’s discuss how an article helps people find you.

Search engines are designed to deliver results when people search key words or key phrases.  There is a great deal of competition to show up on top of the millions of delivered results – in fact it seems almost impossible.  But, if you know how they work, you can!

First, the search engines deliver results based upon “popularity.”  Obviously your site is not going to be #1 when people search “silver bracelets” if you are a small site with little or no marketing budget.  But, if you write an article and post it in a very popular website, using the keywords “silver bracelets” in your title and keyword tags, it can show up on top.  That is the secret – to post an article with the proper title and proper tags in the most popular sites on the web.

Secondly, you must start your own blog and this author’s recommendation is WordPress.  Submit every one of your articles to your blog and write as often as possible.  Also, make sure you write quality articles, using your key words several times throughout – focusing on the pieces of jewelry you want to sell.  Write something that is relevant about them – maybe a story about how you were inspired to create this one of a kind piece.  Link to your website at least once, maybe twice in your article if possible.

In addition to posting your articles to your blog you will want to find the most popular sites on the web to get your article posted on – that relate to your topic:  Wire jewelry.  Do a search for the most popular wire jewelry websites and include magazines that have digital versions.  There are ways to check for popularity such as SEO Quake, but certainly you can search the web yourself and find a way to determine the web properties you’d like to be on.

Suggest to the site owner that you’d like to be a writer for them – offer to write for free (since you are already writing for your own blog – it’s no problem and you’ll get free exposure.  You will also get your bio at the end, referring business to you.  When you become a writer for a blog or website you automatically become an “expert,” once again credentialing you for outreach to those who want what you offer – including your advice and yes, the wire jewelry pieces you design.

Try this method of getting new customers.  Writing articles is the best way to get found in search and produce a new channel of interested customers.

One Comment

  1. avatar

    Susan Shafer

    November 13, 2009 at 1:40 pm

    Very helpful article. In all the “marketing” articles I’ve read they’ve never explained where to post to. They say just post to blogs but you have a much better idea. Thanks for explaining this. I really appreciate it.