April 6: Review of Quartz Gem Profiles

By on April 6, 2012
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by Rose Marion, Wire-Sculpture.com

If Dale “Cougar” Armstrong’s series of Gem Profiles on Quartz were a semester college class, today would be the mid-term!

There’s no test – not today at least – but this is still a good time to brush-up on your Quartz knowledge. Remember Amethyst, Citrine, and Aventurine? Let’s take a look back on the Quartz articles written by Dale!

Smoky inclusions in clear quartzQuartz Introduction thailand amethyst`
citrine beads and citrine jewelry
Citrine and Ametrine
flower intaglio smoky quartz
Smoky Quartz
Rose quartz sphere
Rose Quartz
bright aventurine in wire wrapped rings
Carved tiger iron perfume bottle
Tiger Eye
rutilated quartz star formation
Included Quartz 1: Rutilated Quartz and more
cut tourmalated quartz
Included Quartz 2: Tourmalated Quartz, Dendritic Quartz, and more
Flame aura quartz
Fruit Quartzes and Macrocrystalline Quartz Summary